Longgang nature reserve plays an important role in preserving two langur species of both white - headed langur and francois langur . interview and field survey methods were used to survey the distribution and population size of these two langurs in this natural reserve from december 2001 to january 2002 . the result indicated that the reserve has 8 groups of white - headed langur with 68 individuals in longrui and 10 groups of francois langur with 75 individuals in longgang . the distribution area and population size of both of the two langurs in this reserve have greatly declined in the past decades . they are seriously threatened and have high risk of disappearance from this reserve if no effective measures are to be taken at once 为了确定弄岗自然保护区内白头叶猴的种群数量,弥补黑叶猴种群数量的空白,掌握此保护区叶猴的生存现状,采用访问法和实地数量统计法相结合的方法对弄岗自然保护区的弄岗、陇瑞和弄呼3个部分进行深入的调查研究.调查结果表明,在陇瑞片范围内,共有8群白头叶猴,种群大小在68只左右,和20世纪80年代末的244只相比,数量下降相当惊人;在弄岗片内,共记录到黑叶猴群10群,最大的种群为11只个体,最小的种群是4只个体,共计约有75只黑叶猴(绝对数量统计) ;弄呼的黑叶猴种群已经于上个世纪的晚期消失.造成目前状况的因素主要是过度狩猎和其他形式的过度干扰.弄岗自然保护区的叶猴种群数量已经接近可持续繁殖种群的最低水平,如不采取有效的保护措施,这个种群将很可能在短期内消失
Abstract : we documented a case of a young male francois langur attacking humans near lenglei village near longgang nature reserve , guangxi , on august 17 , 2002 . shortly after we parked our car and sounded its horn , a young male francois langur rushed out of the forest into the road - side trees . it appeared excited or annoyed , incessantly charging back and forth between the trees to a rocky area , from the rocks to the car . nearby villages were frightened , and stayed far away ; one person was seen to be attacked . data collected from interviews showed there had been 15 persons and 2 dogs attacked since early 2001 文摘: 2002年8月17日,对在广西弄岗国家级自然保护区附近楞垒自然屯发生的黑叶猴攻击人的事件进行实地考察.当小车发出鸣笛后,一只亚成体雄性黑叶猴从保护区边缘的丛林中冲出来.十分冲动或激怒地冲到了汽车旁,后来在路边的树上、石头、矮墙上不停地跳来跳去.围观群众躲到很远的地方观望,其中一人被扑到身上,幸好逃得及时而没有被咬伤.据访问了解,这只亚成体公猴从2001年初开始在保护区边界村庄附近已连续伤害了15个人和2只狗.分析和探讨这种攻击人类行为的形成是十分有意义的